Donnybrook Amateur Basketball
Association Inc

Coaching is a valuable and rewarding experience. Watching your team grow and improve over the course of the season is extremely enjoyable. Interested parties are invited to nominate to coach at the beginning of each season. Wherever possible, coaches will be allocated to their child's team. If coaches are not forth coming, we ask that the parents of the children in the team take it in turns to coach the playing group. Most teams in our competition do not train, and coaching is a relatively simple task of ensuring even substitutions and encouraging positive, fair play.
Coaches must be a minimum of 15 years of age. All coaches under 18 years of age must have a responsible adult to supervise them. The committee may (at their discretion) allow a junior coach under the age of 15 years of age, provided they are an experienced player and they have parental support. Coaches are expected to read and abide by our Association Bylaws, Codes of Conduct and guidelines, which are available on our Governance page.
There are a multitude of coaching resources available online to assist coaches. You can consider undertaking coaching courses or clinics. More information can be found online. https://basketballwa.asn.au/coach-education/ or at